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Northwest Speed School joint fundraiser to benefit Henley H.S. & USA Wrestling

Northwest Speed School is excited to announce an upcoming joint fundraiser to benefit Henley High School and USA Wrestling, with the Hornet Wrestling Strength and Conditioning Clinic.

The 3hr workshop, to be held in the Henley High School Wrestling Room, is an opportunity for coaches and athletes from throughout the area to work with Nationally renowned strength coach Henry Delaney. Delaney, who has spent time with the Seahawks, Mariners, and University of Washington, will instruct athletes on scientifically proven methods to increase athletic performance, while limiting the risk of injury and over-training.


Participation Fees:

Athletes w/ student ID: $15

Adult Athletes and Coaches: $30

Time, Date, and Location:

10AM - 1PM Saturday November 5TH 2016

Henley High School Mat Room

Fees will be waived for Pre-Registered Henley High School Wrestlers and enrolled Klamath Tribal Members (Tribal ID required). All other participants must provide payment via Cash, Visa, or Mastercard at the time of the clinic.

The mission of Northwest Speed School is to direct both corporate and private donations as well as to bring athletic expertise to native, low income, and rural populations throughout the northwestern United States. For more information on how you can bring an ADEPT Clinic or Workshop to your program please email

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