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Northwest Born to Run Clinic and Workshop
FREE - AGES 8 AND UP Join us at the Northwest Flagship in Coos Bay for the Born to Run workshop and run clinic. This all ages clinic is...
AMANDA POWLEY Volleyball 4x Far West League All-Conference Selection 3x North Bend HS MVP Amanda was already and accomplished high school...
Scholarship Finalist McKenna Wilson
McKenna Wilson Volleyball 2017 All-State Selection 2018 All-State Selection Basketball 2018 All-League Selection Track & Field 2017 State...
Scholarship Finalist Sailor Hutton
Sailor Hutton Cross Country: 2015 Class 3A/2A/1A Individual State Champion 2016 Class 3A/2A/1A Runner-up 2017 Class 3A/2A/1A Runner-up...
Athlete Spotlight - From IR to MVP
While pitching in a game the summer of his freshman year Jake Simmons had a non-contact break of the humerus. After several months and metho
Preventing Softball Pitching Injuries
All sports carry an inherent risk. As an athlete, parent, or coach this is a factor that must be considered no matter the activity. What is
The best sport for athletic and character development
All my life I have been a lover of sport. Sport, in its many variations, has afforded me an education, friends, travel, my adult career,...
Northwest Speed School joint fundraiser to benefit Henley H.S. & USA Wrestling
Northwest Speed School is excited to announce an upcoming joint fundraiser to benefit Henley High School and USA Wrestling, with the...
Northwest Speed School, Tracksmith and Newton Running team up with Coquille HS Cross Country
We are very proud to announce that through our recently established a 501(c)3 foundation The Northwest Speed School, we were able to...
Moderation is Healthy: Red Wine
Red Wine Makes Me Happy It’s pretty widely known that red wine in moderation is good for heart health. To point out the chemistry is...
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