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Northwest Fitness provides educational clinics at various points throughout the year. Clinics are intended to educate coaches, trainers, and other athletic professionals on exercise theory and explore the best training practices.  

Olympic Lifting Technique


The benefits of the Olympic Lifts are numerous. First and foremost, if you are a novice or out of practice, go find a certified strength and conditioning coach, ASAP. Even if you played sports in high school and college, safety is key to the Olympic Exercises.


Nutritional Information


Take a practical approach to eating! We have a pretty simple philosophy with nutrition.  You are what you eat!  Think about all the variables that occur in your everyday life.  The one thing you have complete control over is what you feed your body to be lean, strong, and vibrant.


VO2 Max and Resting Metabolic Rate Testing FAQ


While exercising, athletes wear a mask collecting exhaled breath. Those breaths are separated in a mixing chamber identifying the volume of exhaled gas and the concentration of oxygen. This determines how much oxygen is used during each minute of the exercise test. Using this method we are able to establish with clinical accuracy aerobic threshold, anaerobic threshold, and maximum heart rate.

Your metabolic rate is a measure of the amount of food or stored fat your body converts to energy in a day, and therefore is a keystone component in developing effective training strategies. By identifying this number with clinical accuracy, participants are able to maximize their results, no matter if your goals are weight loss, muscle gain, or athletic performance. 



Seattle Outdoor Training

Run, Hike, or Bike, we know that sometimes our athletes just have to get outside! This is intended to be a living resource built by our community of athletes and their favorite routes. Have a running route you'd like to share? Want to write a review of a route that we have already posted?


Stretching Techniques


“Stretching” Theory Stretching is commonly promoted as a method to improve performance in various sports and recreational activities. Many of the most recent studies however have concluded that the benefits of stretching may not be seen without proper techniques and timing (8, 9). No matter the theory on “How” or “When” to stretch, there are industry standards that dictate the general Range of Motion (ROM)


Youth Strength Training

​​Long has the debate raged; Should pre-adolescent kids lift weights or shouldn’t they? Will it stunt their growth or increase their likelihood of future sporting success? Is growth plate damage a real concern or merely an exaggerated issue?


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